Richard S. Vosko

Richard S. Vosko (Born November 1943) is a liturgical design consultant and priest of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany who has overseen the redesign and renovation of numerous churches and cathedrals around the country.[1] Vosko has worked throughout the U.S. and Canada as a designer and consultant for worship environments since 1970. He is the author of God's House Is Our House: Re-imagining the Environment for Worship (Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 2006) and Designing Worship Spaces: The Mystery of a Common Vision (Meeting House Essay #8) (Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1996).[2]


Design principles

Vosko states that today's cathedrals should "resonate" with the makeup of the diocese they serve." The role of the cathedral in today's society is different from the times that came before. "The vision of 150 years ago had to do with a reflection of their own understanding of the Church and its liturgy." They were churches "designed to house a liturgy of a different age and genre -- a different, pre-Vatican II understanding of what liturgy is." Since then, the Church in America, originally conceived as a missionary country, has shed that identity by having more than 70 million members. "The reasons for retaining and building our churches have changed."[3]

Vosko's perspective draws heavily from Environment and Art in Catholic Worship (EACW), a 1978 document drawn up by a standing committee of the Bishops Committee of the Liturgy of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops(USCCB). Although the EACW was never voted on by the full body of bishops and does not carry the force of law,[4] it was used as the standard for new church design and renovation for over 20 years.[5] EACW’s status has been controversial since its inception not only due to its canonical standing but also its content. EACW uses as a basis the Second Vatican Council’s emphasis on Christ’s presence in the assembly celebrating mass and - in what some consider a stretch - shifts the basis for the design of the “liturgical environment” to the “the action of the assembly” of believers rather than the principles from liturgy, theology, or architecture.[6] The EACW states: "Among the symbols with which liturgy deals, none is more important than this assembly of believers." Vosko states that the "new focus on the assembly" comes from the "recovered role of the people of God during acts of worship and not because of any subversive movement to discount the presence of God in the church." In Vosko's opinion, it is the assembly, not the church building, which must "transcend the ordinary."[7]

In 2000, the EACW was replaced by Built of Living Stones: Art, Architecture, and Worship (BLS). The BLS has been voted on and approved by the USCCB.[8] Vosko has been a critic of this new document.[9]

Vosko church designs and renovations emphasize:[10]

Completed projects

Vosko has presided over renovations or contributed to the design of the following cathedrals:[11]


Some have branded his church renovations as wreckovations due to what they see as the imposition of a non-traditional re-alignment of essential church elements and the stripping of iconography.[13][14][15][16][17] Architect Michael Rose accuses Vosko of being a "liturgy deconstructionist."[18]


  1. ^ Richard S Vosko website: Projects Retrieved May 23, 2011
  2. ^ Vosko, Richard S: "Things to Remember When Building or Renovating Your Church" March 07, 2007
  3. ^ What's a cathedral anyway? The Evangelist - official publication of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany
  4. ^ United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Environment and Art in Catholic Worship retrieved June 15, 2011
  5. ^ Rose, Michael, "Environment and Art in Catholic Worship: A Critique" 2004
  6. ^ The Institute for Sacred Architecture: "Environment and Art in Catholic Worship - A Critique" by Duncan Stroik Volume 2 — Summer 1999
  7. ^ Adoremus Bulletin: "Displeasure at Domus Dei draft delays new document" Online Edition - Vol. VI, No. 5: August 2000
  8. ^ United States Council of Catholic Bishops: "Built of Living Stones: Art, Architecture, and Worship" retrieved June 15, 2011
  9. ^ Built of Living Stones: Seven Years Later by Richard S. Vosko Spring 2008
  10. ^ God's house is our house: re-imagining the environment for worship By Richard S. Vosko
  11. ^ Richard S Vosko website: Projects Retrieved May 23, 2011
  12. ^ Seattle Catholic: "Weakland's Cathedral Renovations" July 27, 2001
  13. ^ Catholic Culture: "Liturgical Design Consultant Reveals His New Age Religion"
  14. ^ Canadian Catholic journal 'Challenge': "How a Canadian church was saved from destruction"
  15. ^ The Friends of St. Colman's Cathedral: "Renovating or Ruining Cathedrals?" October 15, 2001
  16. ^ US Catholic: "Who moved my tabernacle? The ruckus over renovation" July 24, 2008
  17. ^ Los Angeles Lay Catholic Mission: "You Can Dress Her Up, But You Can't Take Her Out" April 2001
  18. ^ "Church Renovator Thrives on Manipulation Skills" 2004